Are you a European University? Join our career-tracking survey!

One of DocEnhance’s core outputs is a career-tracking survey among PhD holders to map their career-paths and evaluate their skills training.

Find out more about the survey here!

It is due to be launched in March 2021 among seven European universities – members of the DocEnhance consortium.

Interested European Universities can also join the survey, to contribute to the data collection and to receive their own data/analysis on their PhD graduates for the past 5 years (2016-2020). The results will help answer the questions, such as: Where do PhD holders move after PhD? What are the main career profiles of the PhD holders? What is the added value of the PhD? What are the skills gaps?

To be able to join the study, the university would need to comply with the following pre-conditions:

  • Have email contacts of their PhD graduates for the period of 2016-2020
  • Have the possibility to contact their PhD graduates and to invite them to fill out the online questionnaire (provide link to the online survey in the email)
  • Ensure some minimal involvement internally to send reminders to the PhD graduates in addition to the initial invitation message, and to keep track of the numbers of e.g. opt-out and failed emails

The outputs: a cleaned dataset on the university’s PhD graduates for the period; a basic data analysis (tables for all survey questions) and a report including selected graphs and explanations following the agreed report structure with the DocEnhance partners.

The final DocEnhance career-tracking survey report (published online) will include the institution’s data in the analysis aggregated dataset with all participating institutions.

If interested to join or to ask for further information, please contact Julia Boman at jboman(at)

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